
A standard site works,
but an exceptional
website is remarkable

Tuvia Anaki

A website developer and a great guy to talk with
My story

Hey glad to see you here

I'm Tuvia, based in Israel. On this website, you will get to know me as a website developer.  I'm also a pianist who loves classical music and studies at The Jerusalem Academy of Music.
more about me

A couple of questions
I hear often

What will be the estimated cost of my project?

The cost of a project can fluctuate based on its scope and the specific deliverables involved. I offer a variety of services tailored to different budget ranges to accommodate your needs. If you're in the preliminary stages and uncertain about your requirements, we can collaborate to determine the scope of your project. This will provide clarity on the associated costs before proceeding.

What is the typical timeline for website development?

While the project duration is contingent upon the project's scale and the promptness of feedback, typically, websites are finalized and live within 2 to 6 weeks from project commencement. Should you necessitate updates or additional pages post-website completion, we can incorporate new work as needed, on request.

How does your service compare to that of an agency?

My clients perceive me as a SaaS website development agency operated by a solo individual. I offer more cost-effective solutions compared to traditional agencies because I don't have overhead costs like staff or office space. Additionally, you'll directly communicate with the person who will be designing and developing your site.

What exactly is Webflow?

Webflow serves as a website building and hosting platform tailored for crafting custom websites efficiently and affordably, outpacing the time and cost associated with coding from the ground up. It's my preferred tool for developing all my clients' websites, including this one.

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